There are many reasons to renovate an existing lake or pond. Sometimes an existing fishery’s population has deteriorated to the point that it makes sense to perform total fish eradication and restart the ecosystem with balanced stocking of quality fish. Sometimes it is necessary to repair drainage systems, leaking or damaged dams, and remove sediment from existing ponds. Renovation is sometimes necessary due to initial poor construction.
If you have not yet created your pond or lake, and are thinking of a do-it-yourself job, realize that many ponds and lakes have to be “fixed” after the fact due to poor planning. Extra expense for repairs and revamping is necessary when lakes or ponds or created in poor locations without proper planning and design. Renovation and restoration is often required due to not doing it right the first time; this comes from inexperience. In the long run, doing it right the first time will provide savings overall as compared to trying to fix mistakes.